KUMS / Price


 Price (IRR)  Price (USD)  Code Description  Row
233,188,900 466  Radical Mastectomy 1
42,728,580 85 Closed Treatment of Humeral Shaft Fracture 2
163,839,300 328 Open Treatment of Radial and Ulnar Shaft Fracture 3
106,964,100 214 Nasal Septal Repair with Submucosal Resection 4
210,495,000 421  Total or Partial Splenectomy 5
188,694,900 377  Colecystectomy 6
255,808,500 512  Nephrolithotomy 7
251,166,400 502  Nephrectomy 8
319,713,300 639  Prostate Surgery 9
114,745,600 229 Colpoperineorrhaphy 10
175,175,580 350 Anterior Colporrhaphy via Abdomen or Vagina 11
236,571,300 473 Total Hysterectomy 12
95,314,800 191 Infectious Abortion Treatment 13
308,859,600 618 Total or Subtotal Thyroidectomy for Malignancy along with Limited Cervical Dissection/Radical Cervical Dissection 14
273,372,900 547 Bone fixation in femoral fracture 15
192,512,400 385 Suprapubic prostatectomy 16
17,778,780 36 Myomectomy 17